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Breast Augmentation Videos with Dr. Courtney

Will There Be Scaring After My Breast Augmentation? 

After breast augmentation surgery, several types of scars may develop, depending on the surgical technique used. The most common type of scar is the inframammary scar, which is situated beneath the breast fold. This scar tends to be well-hidden within the natural crease of the breast. Another type is the periareolar scar, located around the edge of the areola. While this scar can be inconspicuous due to its placement, it may be more visible on individuals with lighter skin tones.

Additionally, some individuals may have scars in the axillary region (in the armpit) or even along the umbilicus (belly button) if transaxillary or transumbilical approaches were utilized. Proper postoperative care and adherence to the surgeon's instructions can help minimize the appearance of these scars over time.

What Are The Different Types of Implants? 

Cost of Breast Implants in Houston

Getting breast implants in Houston tends to run between $7,500 and $12,600. We can provide you with financing options from reputable healthcare lenders with reasonable rates. Make sure you entrust your body to an experienced, credentialed practitioner who has your best interests at heart.

What to Expect After Breast Augmentation

Your Breast Augmentation Recovery

Breast Augmentation FAQs:

Do breast implants feel heavy?

How will I choose my implant size?

Will I be able to breastfeed after augmentation?

Will my nipples lose sensation?

Is breast augmentation painful?

How long do breast implants last?

What are the potential risks of breast augmentation?

Do breast implants feel heavy?

Breast implants themselves do not weigh much, but you may feel a tightness and heaviness in your chest as the breast tissue heals around the capsules. These are perfectly normal sensations, and they will fade with time. Most women say that after a few months, they feel like their implants were always there, and they can’t remember what their chest felt like before.

How will I choose my implant size?

Choosing the best implant size for your body is a personal decision and one that your plastic surgeon can assist with based on years of expertise. The choice will depend on several factors, including your lifestyle and activity level, your aesthetic tastes, and your body frame. Most surgeons will let you “try on” your implants under your blouse during your consultation.

Will I be able to breastfeed after augmentation?

Breast implants do not typically affect your ability to breastfeed, as long as the incisions do not interfere with the nerves surrounding your areolas. Certain types of incisions, such as those within the armpits, are less likely to cause nursing problems later on. If you are planning to breastfeed again after surgery, make sure you speak with your doctor about your options.

Will my nipples lose sensation?

Temporary loss of sensation and sensitivity in the nipples is common after breast surgery, as the nerves surrounding the areolas may be impacted by your incisions. Most times, nipple sensation will return within a few months after your procedure. You can gently massage the breasts each day to help restore full feeling. After exploring your concerns, your surgeon will choose the best incision type, implant type, and implant placement for preserving your nipples after surgery.

Is breast augmentation painful?

Breast augmentation is performed under general anesthesia so that the client will feel nothing during surgery. Afterward, pain can be well-controlled with prescription painkillers provided by the doctor. As long as no complications occur, the recovery process for breast augmentation is typically smooth and seamless.

How long do breast implants last?

Breast implants are not lifetime devices and may need to be replaced after 10-20 years, depending on individual circumstances.

What are the potential risks of breast augmentation?

Possible risks include infection, scarring, implant rupture, changes in nipple sensation, and capsular contracture.

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